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North & West Area Plan Public Inquiry website
Recently added
Please be advised that the website will be updated frequently, so persons with an interest are advised to check the site on a daily basis.
Following the publication of the Inspector's Report, Cabinet office has now published a series of papers setting out the Proposed Modifications to the Draft Area Plan for the North and West. For further information on these proposed Modifications visit the Area Plan for the North and West website.
What happens next
Cabinet office will consider all representations duly made before adopting the Plan, by Order. The Area Plan for the North and West will only come into operation after being approved by Tynwald.
Provisional schedule of matters & issues
A provisional and not necessarily exhaustive list of matters and issues that need to be addressed by the Inspector in the Report on the Draft APNW.
Post Inquiry Document List
A list of all documents that have been uploaded to the website since the close of the public inquiry sessions. Please note this may be subject to amendments if any additional documents are uploaded.
Public Inquiry Papers & Core Documents
The Cabinet Office has now published the Public Inquiry Papers (PIP) which will be subject to examination at Public Inquiry.
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