Registration to participate is closed.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will the plan come into force?
Only once the final plan is adopted by Cabinet Office and approved by Tynwald. The Plan will replace all existing plans in the North and West.
Is there a development plan procedure?
This is set out in Schedule 1 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1999.
When and where will the Public Inquiry take place?
The Public Inquiry will take place in July 2024. Further Information can be found in the Inspectors Notes for Guidance.
Can I attend the Public Inquiry and observe?
Yes, anyone can attend the Public Inquiry sessions but you must register if you want to participate.
Can I speak at the Public Inquiry?
Yes, but you need to register, stating which topic(s) or sites that are of interest. If you want to refer to specific new evidence this must be provided by the prescribed deadline.
Can I submit comments in writing to the Inspector?
Yes, but you need to register. Written comments will need to be provided by the prescribed deadline.
Does this plan give Planning Permission for these proposals?
No. The Area Plan only sets out policies and proposals that will provided sufficient opportunities to deliver the houses required set out in the Strategic Plan 2016 after having considered all the constraints and opportunities presented by the sites under consideration. An application must be submitted to the Department of Environment Food and Agriculture Planning and Building Control for consideration which has its own set of rights and appeals processes.
How are applications determined if there is an emerging plan?
Until a new plan is approved, the starting point for assessing applications is the extant plans that are in operation.