Provisional schedule of matters & issues


Matter 1 – General Considerations - Chapters 1, 2, 4-9

Matter 2 – Climate Change – Chapter 3

Matter 3 – Transport and Utilities Chapter 10

Matter 4 – Provision for Employment – Chapter 11

Matter 5 – Tourism and Leisure – Chapter 12

Matter 6 – Open Space, Recreation, Education, Health, Community Facilities – Chapter 13

Matter 7 – Provision for Housing – Chapter 14


It is emphasized that the following is a provisional and not necessarily exhaustive list of matters and issues that need to be addressed by the Inspector in the Report on the Draft APNW.

Not every matter and issue will necessarily be the subject of an oral session of the Inquiry, which will focus on the most controversial matters requiring discussion. Other matters may be covered by written representations.

Where objectors put forward alternative or additional sites to those allocated in the Draft Plan, these relate equally to matters of land requirement and site selection and will be treated as such, in addition to any site-specific Inquiry session.

Matter 1 – General Considerations - Chapters 1, 2, 4-9


1.1    Quality of public consultation

1.2    Role and practical life of the APNW

Relationship with

1982 DPO

Future IMSP – timescale

Future All-Island Area Plan – timescale

Existing Local Plans and neighbouring Area Plans

Alleged prematurity of the APNW

Deferment of strategic issues to All-Island strategic review or Area Plan

Deferment of reserve sites from the APNW

Legal Requirement for adoption of an APNW

1.3    Spatial Strategy – Spatial Vision

Brownfield priority

1.4    Development Management policies

Detailed points and proposed changes 

Matter 2 – Climate Change – Chapter 3


2.1    Policy presumptions

2.2    Provisions for renewable energy

2.3    Provisions for tree planting

Matter 3 – Transport and Utilities Chapter 10


3.1    Part 1 - Transport

Sustainable links

District road for Peel

Electric Vehicle Charging Points

3.2    Part 2 – Utilities

Electrical grid

3.3    Part 3 - Minerals and Waste

Waste strategy – accuracy

Regional Sewage Treatment



Local sewage treatment


St Johns


Sustainable locations for civic amenity recycling sites

Matter 4 – Provision for Employment – Chapter 11


4.1    Employment land requirement

Uplift with respect to extended life of the APNW ?

4.2    Employment site selection

Strategic/spatial vision

4.3    Employment land supply

Safeguarding Jurby airfield

4.4    Individual allocated employment sites

All employment sites allocated in the draft Plan or Proposed Changes that are subject to objection.

4.5    Alternative employment sites

Sites put forward as alternatives or in addition to those allocated for employment in the draft Plan and Proposed Changes, noting that such objections are equally relevant to land requirements and supply set out in Issue 4.1 above.

Matter 5 – Tourism and Leisure – Chapter 12


5.1    Protection of Hotels – Tourism Proposal 1

5.2    Protection of Campsites – Tourism Proposal 4

Broader provision

5.3    Promotion of tourist businesses

Matter 6 – Open Space, Recreation, Education, Health, Community Facilities – Chapter 13


6.1    Sports pitches

6.2    Future needs

Matter 7 – Provision for Housing – Chapter 14


7.1    Housing objectives

7.2    Housing land requirement

Basis of calculation

2021 Census figures and projections

Future Objective Assessment of Housing Need (OAHN) approach

Uplift with respect to extended life of the APNW ?

7.3    Housing site selection

Strategic/spatial vision

7.4 Housing land supply

Practical yield of allocated sites

Overall supply headroom

Reserve sites

Sufficiency in Ramsey

Regeneration of Glen Mona

Provision for Eldercare

7.5 Individual allocated housing sites

All housing sites in the draft Plan or Proposed Changes that are subject to objection.

7.6 Alternative housing sites

Sites put forward as alternatives or in addition to those allocated for housing in the draft Plan and Proposed Changes, noting that such objections are equally relevant to land requirements and supply set out in Issue 7.2 above.