What is the Area Plan for the North and West?

What is the Public Inquiry?

The Public Inquiry is a structured investigation conducted by a Planning Inspector into the Draft Plan. The Inquiry is open to the public and allows formal testing of the Draft Plan, consideration of any proposed changes and full examination of all of the evidence. The Inspector is appointed by his Excellency, the Lieutenant Governor. 

The Area Plan covers the Town Districts of Ramsey and Peel, the District of Michael, and the Parishes of Jurby, Andreas, Bride, Ballaugh, Lezayre, Garff (Maughold Ward only), German and Patrick.

Once approved, the Area Plan will set out a series of land use proposals for housing, employment, the environment and all necessary supporting infrastructure with a clear focus on people, places and new homes, sustainable economic development and urban regeneration within our settlements.

The Area Plan is made up of the ‘Written Statement’ and 23 Maps. The Draft Plan was published by Cabinet Office in June 2022.

The timeline below sets out where we are in the plan development process.

Call for sites
Preliminary publicity and public consultation
Tynwald approval
Public Inquiry
Public consultation into any modifications prior to adoption

How can I get Involved in the Public Inquiry?

Please carefully read the Public Inquiry Papers ('PIPs') and consider whether you want to:

  1. just listen to proceedings,
  2. submit comments in writing; or
  3. speak at the Inquiry.

You will need to register an interest to do B. or C. above.

Inquiry sessions will generally be based on ‘round table’ discussions. If you decide to take part in proceedings, you may be asked questions by the Inspector, Government Officers or other interested parties.

Please note that any information already submitted in response to the Draft Plan process (where this has been published) will automatically be sent to the Inspector to consider. 

What happens after the Inquiry?

The inspector drafts a Report which is published in full.
Cabinet Office considers the Report and Recommendations and decides what modifications to make to the draft plan.
Representations are sought from the public on any final changes
Cabinet Office adopts the Plan and seeks approval from Tynwald.